Monday, August 22, 2022

Not Your Villain

 Not Your Villain by C.B. Lee, 307 pages.

Bells Broussard is a shapeshifter, and it's awesome. And not only because it means he doesn't have to worry about wearing a binder to school and can color his hair on a whim. He also loves being a superhero. Which is why it's particularly terrible for him when the government names him a supervillain after he gets involved in exposing the grand conspiracy of the last book. Luckily they can't tell him what to do, and Chameleon isn't done with his heroing yet.

It's unfortunate that this book is much worse than the last one, which was already only middling, but intriguing. The first third or so of this book covers the same time period as the first book, and instead of granting many unique insights to the events it mostly reads as a very long recap. There's also more things that feel like they happen to get the plot where it needs to go, instead of keeping to any internal consistency. Which is all extra a shame because Bells is a really cool character, and it would have been cool if his book gave him as much depth as Jess's gave to her. I think this series might have lost me at this point, because I'm pretty sure I know where we're going with this, but I may pick the last two books up at some point.

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