Friday, March 1, 2019

The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up

The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo, 192 pages

Given the popularity of Marie Kondo's tidying philosophy, the premier of a Netflix show in which she helps people learn her methods for tidying up, and the internet hubbub that occurred when she explained that maybe people need to purge some books and not hold on to them if they are not sentimental or reread or referenced with some regularity, I had to pick up this manga when I saw it check in. The story of the manga focuses upon a young professional woman whose home has become overwhelmed by her accumulation of stuff, unorganized and thrown everywhere. Kondo comes and gives her tidying lessons that explain how she views organization and tidying up, and how that can improve your life. After reading it, I have to agree with and I use some of the methods she suggests to help make your home a happy place. Surround yourself with things that give you joy, but don't let them overwhelm everything else. Keep smaller collections of things you truly love, rather than an overlarge collection of things you don't have the time to enjoy. Clothing in particular is a hard part for many people, and I like her storage methods. Too often I've fallen into the trap of just wearing the same clothing repeatedly, because I do my laundry then put it on top in the drawers, meaning my other clothing just sits at the bottom, unworn and taking up space. If I had one criticism of Kondo's methodology and philosophy, it's that it often seems traditionally female clothing centered, with directions on how to nicely store bras and dresses, but nothing about more gender neutral articles, like jeans, slacks, suit coats, etc.

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