Doctored: The disillusionment of an American Physician / Sandeep Jauhar 268 pgs.
Sandeep Jauhar is a cardiologist practicing in New York. This book is a bit of a memoir of his early days as a doctor but also a treatise on the American health system. We spend more money on medical care than any other country but our results are often not in the top tier. Why is this? If you read this book you will have a better idea of why. Somehow we have provided the wrong incentives. We have squeezed the system so tight that doctors can barely make a living so to survive they have to work within the system of reimbursements and payments. Wonder why the numbers on certain tests increase? Turns out that is often the test that "pays" the best. The system often sucks for patients but it also sucks for doctors. In the "memoir" portion of the book, we learn about Dr. Jauhar moonlighting during his son's youngest years so his wife can stay home with the baby. Sure, they live in NYC, one of the most expensive places but also in a 2 BR apartment. With student loans and high rent, the hospital salary just won't cover it. Moonlighting in private practice is somewhat more depressing as system requires you to check your idealistic dreams at the door.
There is no doubt that there are a LOT of people struggling in this economy but for some reason, knowing that some medical doctors are in the same boat is quite unsettling. I recommend this book to anyone interested in why health care costs are high and continue rising. Also recommended for those who enjoy well written memoirs. I look forward to the next one by this author.
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