Sunday, October 28, 2012

Locke & Key. Volume 2. Headgames

Locke & Key. Volume 2. Headgames written by Joe Hill, art by Gabriel Rodriguez, 144 pages

Still trying to come to terms with their father's murder and the psychopathic killer who tracked them across the country, Tyler and Kinsey Locke make a new friend in "Zack," not knowing that he's far more dangerous (and closely tied to their dad's death) than they would ever suspect. Meanwhile, Bode keeps finding new keys, including the head key, which allows unnatural access to the mind of nearly anyone. What Zack wouldn't do to get his hands on that key...

This is an incredibly well-written and illustrated story, and I'm tearing through it, even though there are about ten other things I should be doing. Can I blame Joe Hill for my negligence of my family and homework?

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