Monday, November 18, 2019

Do Nothing!

Do Nothing! How to Stop Overmanaging and Become a Great Leader by J. Keith Murnighan, 224 pages

In this short book, Murnighan examines ways to get rid of micromanagement and focus on the real job of being a manager: leading your team. He discusses empathy, getting used to not doing the stuff that got you hired for the management job (for example, being great at IT might get you the job of the IT manager, but once you take the promotion, you'll just be overseeing someone else doing the actual IT work), and generally refocusing on what will best make your team work effectively. It's an interesting book, and while a lot of it seems obvious, it's not — I didn't think of any of this "obvious" stuff until Murnighan mentioned it. So it's well worth perusing, though I'd love to see an update, as a lot has changed since the book was first published in 2012.

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