Saturday, October 24, 2015

Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams / Woody Holton 483 pgs.

The second first lady, Abigail Adams was a woman of many strong opinions that she shared freely with family, friends and acquaintances.  Abigail had strong opinions about women and the rights that were denied to them.  She was a great advocate of education for girls and a proponent of women owning their own property...something that was a bit of a legal quagmire at the time.  Through her uncle who acted as her "agent" she invested in government bonds and made a tidy sum for her family which she considered her own. She was devoted to her husband and those feelings certainly went both directions.

Also the mother of the sixth president, some of her other children brought more heartache than acclaim. This book reveals much of the lady herself through extensive letters and diaries.

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