Friday, July 19, 2024

What You are Looking for is in the Library


What You are Looking for is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama  300 pp.

I came close to giving up on this book after the first chapter because I didn't find it interesting. When I started the second chapter I decided to continue and I am glad I did. The story begins with a woman whose lucrative career is derailed by the birth of her baby. A visit to the library in the local community center leads to a meeting with the reference librarian, who is an unusual woman with a hobby of making small felted items. The librarian gives the woman a list of the books she requested but includes an entirely different book which turns out to be just what the woman needs. The same pattern occurs in subsequent chapters with different characters who visit the library. In addition to the library visits, there are other random connections between each character. It's a slow starter but worth continuing to the end.   

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