Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Fireborne Blade

 The Fireborne Blade by Charlotte Bond, 176 pages.

Maddileh, Knight of the Stairs, has been cast out of the king's favor and the knighthood unless she can do something truly impressive to win back her place. So she decides to pursue the legendary Fireborne Blade in the lair of an equally legendary dragon. Only dragon's lairs are full of strange magic, and things may not be what they seem. 

This novella is told alternating between Maddileh's story, both in the past and the present, and in primary source documents about other dragonslayers. This book felt like everything I would love, but somehow it didn't come together for me. Despite being less than 200 pages long, it felt like it dragged, and while it felt like there were a whole lot of elements that felt like they could be really interesting if they were further explored, overall I couldn't point to anything that I found particularly compelling. I'm afraid I have to mark this one down as a disappointment.

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