Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Incidents Around the House

Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman, 367 pages

When Bela goes to bed at night, Other Mommy talks to her from the closet. This has been going on for years, but recently, Other Mommy has started venturing out from the closet and into Bela's room, and not always at night time. And now she's asked Bela if she'll let Other Mommy into her heart. Bela's not quite sure what to do, especially because her Mommy and Daddo have never really believed her when she's mentioned Other Mommy in the past.

I started reading this while in bed, before turning off the light to try to sleep. The active word there is "try," as this is a supremely creepy book, especially in the first 100 pages or so. Told from a child's point of view, and with very little description of Other Mommy, this ode to the monsters in our closets will make your own dark bedroom terrifying. It's fantastic for horror fans, but don't make my mistake — read it only during daylight hours!

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