Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Lost in a Good Book

Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde, 399 pages

**SPOILERS if you haven't read The Eyre Affair yet (which you REALLY should do, as it's been out for like 20 years and is one of the best books ever).**


OK, so Thursday Next saved Jane Eyre from the dastardly and diabolical Acheron Hades, but much to the chagrin of Eyre superfans and the fictional world alike, managed to change the ending in the process (though she made it better by many accounts). Lost in a Good Book finds Thursday dealing with the fallout, from a trial that takes place at the end of a chapter in a Kafka novel to having her husband eradicated from history as punishment for trapping a corporate goon in "The Raven." Oh, and she also has to deal with a growing number of murder-by-coincidence attempts on her life while she manages her newfound fame.

None of that probably makes any sense at all, but somehow, Fforde manages to take all these disparate parts and form them into a creative and fantastic sequel. Good lord, I love these books.

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