Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Rhythm of War

 Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson, 1230 pages.

A year after the events of Oathbringer, the war between the god Odium's forces and humanity is in full swing. Dalinar and the coalition forces are scrambling for a way to force Odium into a contest of champions, because a war of attrition favors the side whose warriors are continuously reborn. On that note, even immortal soldiers grow weary after thousands of years of war, and one of said immortals is looking for any way to end the war for good, a quest she pulls Queen Navani into. Meanwhile, Kaladin struggles to accept that staying busy forever isn't a sustainable way to deal with his depression and Adolin and Shallan venture into Shadesmar in a desperate attempt to convince more spren (spirits of the world) to join the fight on their side and create more Knights Radiant.

It is hard to give a concise summery of any book this size, and even more difficult when it is the fourth in a series of books this size. I am glad that I decided to reread this book before starting the recently released fifth book in the series, because it is absolutely full of detail that I didn't remember from the first time I read it three years ago. This book definitely feels like it is building to something, building on existing foundations until they reach the climactic conclusion of the next book. It also made me cry, which is not all that easy for novels to do. I continue to strongly recommend this series, don't be intimidated by the page count. 

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