Monday, June 13, 2022

The Agathas

The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson, 405 pages

In the picturesque coastal town of Crystal Cove, Alice Ogilvie and Iris Adams are from opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum: Alice lives in a seaside mansion with servants and receives horses and cars from her largely-absent parents, while Iris lives in a rundown apartment with her bartending mom, doing everything she can to save up money to skip town. Last summer, each girl experienced something MAJOR (Alice went missing for five days, while Iris only refers to her incident as The Thing) and now, they've been thrown together by a well-intentioned guidance counselor. But only days into their new tutoring arrangement, Alice's ex-best friend Brooke Donovan goes missing. While a lot of people in Crystal Cove are convinced that she's "pulling an Ogilvie," Alice and Iris think that something bad must have happened to her, and, spurred by Alice's love of Agatha Christie novels, they decide to investigate.

A blurb on the cover refers to this as a mix of Agatha Christie and Veronica Mars, and honestly, I can't describe it better than that. The sharp socioeconomic divide, the sleuthing, the nods to both's a great mystery for fans of either the author or the TV show. My one nit-picky comment is that the voices of the two lead characters are really hard to distinguish, which is particularly interesting as I got the impression that Glasgow and Lawson each wrote one (I could be wrong though). However, don't let this stop you from a fun, fast mystery. I'm not sure if they plan to write more books about Iris and Alice, but if they do, I'll happily read them!

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