Thursday, December 2, 2021

Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts

 Wake by Rebecca Hall, illustrated by Hugo Martinez, 208 pages.

This work of graphic non-fiction follows both Dr. Hall as she does historical research on the titular women-led slave revolts and speculative versions of the revolts themselves. It is the generally accepted wisdom that women had only a secondary role in slave revolts, and that they certainly didn't lead them. Hall digs deep into the historical record to challenge this belief. 
This was an interesting account, although it definitely left me wanting more. When Hall says hidden, she isn't kidding. The fact that this is non-fiction means that everything isn't always wrapped up neatly, and it feels like even by the end of the book there are more research dead ends than actual history, making much of what is set in the past more like hints and reasonable conjecture. However, the switching between the past and the modern day made for some very powerful visuals about the ways that the past is still influencing the present. 

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