Sunday, March 7, 2021

Just Eat


Just Eat: One reporter's search for a weight-loss regimen that works / Barry Estabrook, 242 pgs.

Estabrook got the word from his doc, all his numbers were bad and changes had to be made.  Needing to lose 40 pounds, Estabrook started a round-robin trial of diets and learning more about how to improve his health.  After losing the pounds SEVERAL times but always gaining them back, he finally found a method that worked for him.  As expected, a restrictive diet can certainly improve health and lead to losing pounds, the restrictions are often too difficult for people to keep indefinitely.  Life-style changes that are sustainable are more likely to have a better effect.  It was interesting learning about Estabrook's journey and how well he could follow just about any diet...for a couple of months. He really has a great way of telling his story and is very honest about his struggles while filling us in on the history of diets and taking you through the current fads and why there is less obesity in some other countries.

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