Saturday, January 31, 2015

Family life, by Akhil Sharma

A short but multi-layered novel of an Indian immigrant family told by Ajay, the youngest of two sons.  Ajay and his brilliant older brother, Birju, finally receive the important airline tickets that will allow them and their mother to leave Delhi and join their father in America.  There, despite the newness of the culture of Queens, NY, and through dint of hard work, Birju earns admittance to the prestigious Bronx High School of Science.  But at the end of the summer before high school, Birju dives into a pool, hits his head, remains underwater for some minutes, and emerges a blind, helpless invalid.  Their hopes for their firstborn are dashed, but the parents care for him at home with little help.  His father slips into alcoholism and his mother allows various charlatans to raise her hopes of recovery for Birju.  Ajay struggles with his love for his brother, his own difficulties in fitting into his new culture, and hatred for what this tragedy has done to the entire family.   A moving and beautiful book.  218 pp.

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