Friday, February 25, 2011

A visit from the goon squad

A visit from the goon squad by Jennifer Egan 273 pg.

This is a great book about Sasha and her boss Bennie Salazar. It is great because it goes back and forth in time where we meet many people who cross paths with Sasha and/or Bennie and in the process learn a lot about both of them but never really why this book is about them as opposed to any of the other characters. All of this back and forth is well done and it is easy to follow even though it seems like it shouldn't be. This book made it onto the "best" lists of several librarians and I can see why. - Christa

1 comment:

  1. I tried to read this, since it showed up on so many best-of lists, but I could not get into it at all.
