Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Hanging

The Hanging by Lotte Hammer & Søren Hammer  298 pp.

Two children arriving at school early one morning discover the gruesome remains of five men, mutilated and hanging by the neck from the gymnasium ceiling. Chief detective Konrad Simonson (frequently and confusingly referred to as Simon in the book). As the victims are slowly identified a connection between them is discovered and it appears their deaths were the result of brutal vigilante justice against pedophiles. The ones behind the murders launch a media campaign against Denmark's failure to investigate and prosecute child sexual abusers compounding the difficulties faced by the police. What seems at first to be a basic police procedural takes on a more complex nature as side plots intervene, some integral to the story and others not. I found this a slow read and I'm not sure if that is because it is a translation from Danish or just the story itself.

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