Saturday, July 2, 2016

I'm Thinking of Ending Things

I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid, 210 pages

A man and his girlfriend are driving through the country to visit his parents at their farm. It's the girlfriend's first time meeting his family and instead of being wracked with nerves, she's wondering why she decided to come along, as she's considering ending things with the man. It's a fairly simple premise for a story: these two passing time talking, while the girlfriend thinks over their relationship and weighs her options.

But this is no simple story. This is easily the creepiest, tensest book I've read in a LONG time. While nothing terribly dramatic happens for the bulk of the short novel, Reid keeps the reader unsettled, slowly building the tension. I'm glad I wasn't home alone when I finished reading this late at night; I'm equally glad that I had a new light-hearted book on hand to read a bit of before I attempted to sleep. This one will stick with me and keep me shuddering for a long time.

Also: I must point out that this is Reid's debut novel. If this gripping tale is any indication of what he's got in store, I'm preparing for many sleepless nights in the future. Keep an eye on this one.

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