Delicious Foods by James Hannaham, 371 pages.

So, maybe the coolest book to have at least part of the
story narrated by crack cocaine. Crack is named “Scotty” here (maybe everywhere, I don’t
know), he knows all the workers at Delicious Foods, dances with them inside their heads. He's sympathetic to their plight, and is always on the lookout for new friends. The author, who reads the audio, does a great job with the two voices,
and his non-judgemental tone is eerily chilling in a couple of scenes where
everything depends on brave acts and quick decisions by well-meaning characters
and where those efforts are hampered by the several actors agreeing that now
would be a really good time for a hit from the pipe, just to calm their nerves.
Eddie is a good solid, strong character, but by the end his story is
overwhelmed and overshadowed by the stories of his parents particularly
Darlene, and at times it’s Scotty who tells the story best.
A strange story, but great.